Create custom icon styles to quickly grow your icon set
Create AI models with ~15 sample icons so you can use prompts to grow icon sets instead of rote, uncreative work.
Figma plug-in
Always at your fingertips with our Figma plug-in
Use Iconomy right in Figma! Generate icons as and when you need them in the style of your choice
the fine print, expanded
All your questions, answered.
What format are the icons generated in?
You can download icons as PNGs or SVGs.
How do credits work?
Credits are used to generate icons and train custom models. You can top off your credits as and when you need them and use them at whatever pace you choose to.
Do credits roll over?
Yes they do! Your credits do not expire so you can always come back to Iconomy when you need to :)
How is this different from using DALL-E or Midjourney?
Iconomy is quite similar, but very different. It makes it easy to do one small task — quickly create icons in a consistent style and use it without any prompt engineering.